Thursday, April 5, 2012

How is Mitt Romney so unrelatable?

Here is a full quote from Romney in a campaign stop in Wisconsin:

One of (the) most humorous stories, I think, relates to my father. You may remember my father, George Romney, was president of an automobile company called American Motors…
They had a factory in Michigan, and they had a factory in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and another one in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. And as the president of the company he decided to close the factory in Michigan and move all the production to Wisconsin. Now, later he decided to run for governor of Michigan and so you can imagine that having closed the factory and moved all the production to Wisconsin was a very sensitive issue to him, for his campaign…
Now, I recall at one parade where he was going down the streets, he was led by a band, and they had a high school band that was leading each of the candidates, and his band did not know how to play the Michigan fight song,” he said. “They only knew how to play the Wisconsin fight song, so every time they would start playing ‘On, Wisconsin,’ ‘On, Wisconsin,’ my dad’s political people would jump up and down and try to get them to stop because they didn’t want people in Michigan to be reminded that my dad had moved production to Wisconsin. dad closed down a factory in Michigan. Hundreds of people lost their jobs...chuckles...  And I bet that they don't have a lot of stock to pay them dividends for enough passive income...chuckles...  Closing a factory is no big deal...chuckles...  We got to buy 15 new Cadillacs from my dad's bonus that year...chuckes...  Oh my...there's a band that can and can't play certain songs...chuckles... I have such ability to inflict pain into other people's lives...chuckles...

I really do think that the Republican Party has nothing to offer to people who make under $100k.  As a person in line to make over $100k, I can only say "chuckles." 

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