Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What's Next for the GOP Race: March 10 and March 13

Here's how the score is so far:
Mitt "Perfect Hair" Romney: New Hampshire, Florida, Nevada, Maine, Washington, Wyoming, Arizona, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, Idaho, Massachusetts, Vermont, Alaska
Rick "The Swest" Santorum: Iowa, Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri (non-binding primary), Tennessee, Oklahoma, North Dakota
Newt "I'm fat" Gingrich: South Carolina, Georgia

March 10th (Saturday)
Kansas-this is a binding caucus.  I'm going to say that Kansas seems like Minnesota and North Dakota.  Romney's main hope is that Santorum and Gingrich tie each other and Romney can sneak through.  Santorum needs to beat Gingrich here.  My Prediction: Santorum

Northern Mariana Islands-no one knows what will happen and who really cares?  Populated by minorities, minorities like name brands, Romney is the name brand...My Prediction: Romney

Guam-no one knows what will happen and who really cares?  Populated by minorities, minorities like name brands, Romney is the name brand...My Prediction: Romney

U.S. Virgin Islands-no one knows what will happen and who really cares?  Populated by minorities, minorities like name brands, Romney is the name brand...My Prediction: Romney

March 13th (Tuesday)
Mississippi-Southern state, lots of evangelicals.  John King of CNN thinks Gingrich will do well since he's won GA and SC.  I don't think so because Gingrich had the benefit of being the main conservative alternative to Romney for SC and had home field advantage in GA.  My Prediction: Santorum

Alabama-same as Mississippi.  My Prediction: Santorum

Hawaii-Romney should win this since Hawaii Republicans are known to be more moderate.  My Prediction: Romney

American Samoa-no one knows what will happen and who really cares?  Populated by minorities, minorities like name brands, Romney is the name brand...My Prediction: Romney

What Each Candidate Wants:
Romney: Romney wants to pick up more delegates.  If he can win Hawaii, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands, that will be good but not essential.  What would really help Romney is if Gingrich can win Kansas, Alabama, or Mississippi.  The longer Santorum has to deal with Gingrich, the better for Romney.  The bottom line Romney wants to keep both tweedle dee (Gingrich) and tweedle dum (Santorum) around.  That's why he's "praising" them in his Super Tuesday speech.

Santorum: Santorum needs to win Kansas, Alabama, and Mississippi.  Then, he needs Gingrich to drop out so that Santorum can be Romney's only rival and consolidate the conservative vote.

Gingrich: Gingrich is playing's difficult to know if Gingrich actually thinks he has a chance, cause he doesn't and needs to drop out.   

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