Opponents of same-sex marriage often invoke references to natural disasters and the end times as a result of legalizing gay marriage. Its an effective argument, and the results of those predictions are clear, as we can see from the destruction and death and misery suffered by the people of Argentina, Norway, Belgium, Portugal, Canada, South Africa, Iceland, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the states of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and the District of Columbia.
My home state of Washington suffered the same fate, having broke from the North American continent and sunk into the Pacific Ocean after the simultaneous eruptions of Mt. Baker, Mt. Adams, Mt. Saint Helens, and Mt. Rainier following Governor Chris Gregoire signing our states gay marriage bill into law.
Click here for examples of true Americans who had the foresight to warn the Washington legislature against the destruction they caused.
Clearly what we see here is the political strength of these gay tyrants in the rainbow army who are taking over state legislatures. Isn’t it shocking, as Scott Lively exposes, that the five openly gay state legislators (constituting 3% of the legislature) were able to single handedly cause the destruction of the beautiful state of Washington? What was once “just a reviled subculture” is now the ruling junta of Washington State making every body get gay married and recruiting children into the homosexual lifestyle.
The gay cabal hasn’t yet been able to snatch power in every state legislature, however. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie wrestled power away from the will of his state’s legislature and saved that state from crumbling into the depths of hell with the power of his veto.
Will the heterosexual majority in Maryland be able to resist the gaystapo minority?
The fate of Maryland is yet to be seen, as their senate will soon decide whether to bend over for the gaystapo. One this is certain, it will be difficult to fight off the gaystapo in that state since they have the force of every cause’s super villain lined up on their side.
Dick Cheney is a champion of the people. I suppose that's what happens when you have a gay daughter.