Last but not least, here is my review of Ron Paul. For those of you looking for Mitt, Newt, or Rick, please click on their names.
Ron Paul is a congressman from Texas who has run for President many times. He is a rather elderly man of slight build who used to be an ob-gyn doctor. Ron Paul is also special in so many other ways. He is almost a true libertarian, except for abortions and gay marriage. He strongly believes in the gold standard and in general, believes in a very narrow interpretation of Constitution as to what the government can do. He seems to distrust everything governments do, everything (war, currency, regulations, being existent). He is a lot like an ivory-tower intellectual professor type. His message can be very attractive because of its intellectual consistency.
Unlike the other candidates, Ron Paul has no chance of winning. He is all about getting delegates, so that he can be an influential broker at the Republican National Convention. He can use his leverage with his delegates to get parts of his agenda into the party platform (seriously, who even pays attention to this stuff anyways) or a prime-time speaking role at the Convention. It looks like he may have the opportunity at this stage of the election. I would like to note how impressed I am with Ron Paul's campaign. The man knows what his strengths are and what his weaknesses are and how to pick up delegates. He knows that caucuses are the best for him and strategizes very well to not only maximize his votes at the caucuses but also maximize his share of the delegates.
Ron Paul's supporters are a unique bunch, the vast majority of them are weird looking dudes. They are also very enthusiastic and tend to be higher income individuals which can explain how Ron Paul seems to over-perform at caucuses. If you have ever been to a Ron Paul rally, there are going to be a lot of computer nerds and a lot of rural types who stock up for the apocalypse. There are exactly 0 single women there. Ron Paul's supporters also tend to be younger folks, mostly because Ron has a very intellectually pure message which is generally more attractive to idealistic young people.
It is important to note that Ron Paul probably doesn't believe that he has a chance to be president. He has yet to win a single primary or caucus in any of his attempts at the Presidency. He is laying the ideological foundation for his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to make a more credible run for president. After all, Ron's ideology seems to be earning him more votes now than he did in 2008. Perhaps he thinks of himself as a Barry Goldwater type who has to suffer humiliating defeats in order for his ideological successors to be more successful. If you are a history buff, you could make a similar analogy with John Fremont and Abraham Lincoln.
If Ron Paul or a similar ideologue ever gets elected President, go long on valuable commodities (gold, silver, platinum, oil, natural gas). If that dude wants to tie our currency to gold or a basket of commodities, then the price of those commodities would skyrocket through the roof. Market economics may Ron Paul's currency strategy really expensive which would be pretty stupid for a debt-laden country like the U.S. to do. From my patriotic side, I hope Ron Paul-types never see the light of day for coming into power. From my selfish side, I really hope that Ron Paul-types can seize power so I can make a ton of $$$$$$$$$ on pretty safe trades.
As for states Ron Paul might win which are coming up, WA, AK, ND, ID with WA being his best chance. It should also be noted that Ron Paul is a camera whore who loves attention so much that he almost had sex (not really) with Bruno, Sasha Baron Cohen's gay 19-year-old Austrian model character.
My political posts so far have focused exclusively on the GOP Presidential Race, I will be doing a series of posts on Obama in the future.
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