Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Three Step-Process for 90%+ Effective Natural Birth Control

WARNING: R-rated material ahead.

Given the latest controversial firestorm about contraception.  I've decided to write a 3 step method for natural, Catholic-endorsed, birth control in order to help people out.

Step 1:  Use the Rhythm method.

Both Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney have done this step.  Doing this step alone will not be too effective (don't believe me? click on the links).

Step 2: Use the pull out technique.

I know you don't think it's necessary when used with the Rhythm method, but it is.

Step 3: Males need to urinate in between the last time they orgasm and the next time they have sex.

Urinating kills off sperm.  One of the dangers of the pull out technique is pre-cum.  While pre-cum does not contain sperm, if there are sperm from the last orgasm, they can be carried by pre-cum.  This may result in pregnancy.  This is why urination is so important.  It kills off sperm that could otherwise fertilize an egg.

Note: it is extremely important that all three steps are used!!!!  Only when used together can this method be an effective form of birth control for two opposite sex fertile people.

For some 100% effective methods:
1. Only have sex during the woman's period
2. Have gay sex
3. Only have oral and anal sex (possibly less than 100% effective)

1 comment:

  1. You missed at least one other 100% effective method --

    Some folks swear by it.
