Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Administrative Update and A Request!

Administrative Update
After less than a month of starting my blog, I already have 2,500 pageviews.  I have had visitors from the U.S., Russia, Ukraine, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, the U.K., and Singapore.  Within the U.S., I have readers from 14 states (NY, VA, WA, MA, NC, SC, FL, LA, CA, OR, AK, NJ, MN, CO) and D.C. 

The blog is also making its way up the Google search engine hierarchy. 

Thank you so much for this and your continued support!

Request:  Spread the Word!!
If you think this blog is great/intellectually informative and is worth sharing with the world, please do...facebook, world of mouth, twitter, gmail...whatever you are comfortable/willing to do.  It would really help me out.

My goals for this blog are to: (1) cut across the partisan cacophony and separate the merit-based arguments from the pre-textual/frivolous arguments in our political debate, (2) share some interesting societal trends which are not covered by the mainstream media, (3) share alternative explanations for many of today's social phenomena and (4) share interesting financial ideas for yuppies.

I would like to share my knowledge and insights with the world.  Regardless, I really appreciate the support you have shown me already.

Please try NOT to use my real name if you know who I am.  As shown by this post and this guy, real progress in our information-saturated world require anonymity.  This is why I have anonymous commenting.

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