Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday Live Blog Thread #3

10:09 pm EST:  I'm going to the gym now.  I will be back by 11pm to wrap up the night and will start a new thread.  

10:09 pm EST:  Santorum is now over 13k votes ahead with 61% reporting.

10:04 pm EST:  Mittens is under 11k votes behind.

9:58 pm EST:  Maybe Mittens will make a late night comeback in Ohio, he's brought Santorum's lead below 12k now with Hamilton County still largely outstanding.

9:56 pm EST:  Mitt Romney has been under-performing his polls.  He's had three chances to close things out and he's blown all of them.  This guy sucks.  The three chances I'm referring are (1) SC, (2) after NV, and (3) Super Tuesday.

9:55 pm EST:  Will I be wrong in my most recent prediction?

9:48 pm EST:  CNN and FoxNews are too scared to call Ohio for Santorum but Curious Capitalist is going to officially call Ohio for Santorum.  Yay!!!!!

9:45 pm EST:  Ann Romney says women are worried about the debt.  How is that 20% tax cut going to help the deficit?  Make it way worse?

9:44 pm EST:  All three major candidates will get delegates from Oklahoma.  Santorum will get at least 8.  Romney and Gingrich will at least get 5 each.

9:38 pm EST:  Santorum needs to turn this momentum into contests later in March in Kansas, Mississippi, and Alabama.

9:36 pm EST:  This is a great night for Santorum, an ok night for Gingrich, and a disappointing night for Romney.  However, don't be surprised if Romney still wins a plurality of the delegates from the night's momentum.  

9:33 pm EST:  The news is getting worse and worse for Mittens.  At least he got all of the delegates from Massachusetts since no other candidate crossed the 15% threshold.

9:31 pm EST:  Santorum is leading with 17% in with a substantial lead in North Dakota.  Looks like North Dakota's GOP is similar to Minnesota's GOP.

9:30 pm EST:  12.5k lead for Santorum in OH.

9:25 pm EST:  8k lead for Santorum in OH.

9:20 pm EST:  Romney's hope is in Hamilton County.

9:15 pm EST:  With more rural/small town data in, Santorum has a 6k vote lead in Ohio.  YAY!!  

9:07 pm EST:  Santorum is running strong in the Columbus area and going toe to toe with Romney.  Romney needs to rely on Hamilton County and the Cleveland metro area to win.

9:04 pm EST:  Santorum has just taken a 2.5k vote lead in Ohio.  Whooooo!!!!!!

9:01 pm EST:  It's going to be a close on in Ohio.  The vest (Santorum) is about 2,000 votes down.

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