Sunday, March 4, 2012

Congress: The New Normal

Under the new normal of hyper-partisanship and pro-nut job politics, there lies a hope for the future.  Right now a small group of lawmakers are trying to stop this nation from committing financial suicide. YAY!  Maybe we're not totally doomed?

The only reason why they are even allowed to negotiate without outside groups going bat-shit crazy is because of secrecy.

There you go folks, the new way to get stuff is secrecy!   Some might decry the end of open democracy.  Open democracy also means the most passionate (nut-jobish) people/entities have the most influence since they are the ones who care the most.  Yikes...


  1. As a partisan nut-job, who would rather see the nation burn before compromising with our opponents across the aisle, the prospect of our lawmakers going behind our backs to make a compromise so we don't find ourselves doomed to decades, maybe even generations, of stagflation infuriates me. Since I can only see things along party lines, this compromise is a betrayal to the beliefs that've been brainwashed into me by the very politicians who are now breaking their sacred oath to see America enveloped in flames, chaos, hatred, and debt before seeing another four years of this communist, muslim, homo-loving dictatorship. God damnit.

  2. can you add a "sad" button? sometimes your posts make me feel sad for us...and interesting, cool and funny just don't cut it.
