Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday Live Blog Thread #2

9:00 pm EST:  New thread soon!

9:00 pm EST:  Santorum is staying above the "I'm going to get delegates" line in Georgia.

8:51 pm EST:  Oklahoma has just been called by the only true news station around, FoxNews, for Santorum.  Curious Capitalist is now 6 for 6 in predictions!!!!!!

8:49 pm EST:  Newt's taking shots at everybody tonight...Santorum, Romney, Obama, Wall Street.  Newt is really going after Wall Street...yikes...

8:46 pm EST:  Newt's quote of the day "Wall Street money can't beat Main Street work."  Question #1:  what about casino money from Newt's main donor, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson?  Question #2:  Didn't Wall Street money beat down Newt twice, once before Iowa, second after South Carolina?  Question #3:  Newt is Main Street work?  I thought he was just fat and married an attractive blonde, 23 years his junior...the American Dream for guys right?

8:41 pm EST:  About 60 percent of the votes tabulated so far are from Cuyahoga, Franklin and Hamilton counties, home to Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, respectively. But only about 20 percent of the votes in the Republican primary in 2008 was cast in one of those counties, meaning it the current vote count is disproportionately weighted toward these areas.  Look for Romney's current margin in Ohio as the night wears on.

8:39 pm EST:  This evening will likely not be decisive for the GOP primary.  Tennessee is Santorum's first primary win that counts!!!

8:38 pm EST:  Curious Capitalist-endorsed candidate, Rick Santorum, has just won Tennessee!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!  I'm 5 for 5!

8:35 pm EST:  Right now, Santorum is leading in all of the counties where the vote has come in.  Counties from West, Central, and East Tennessee.

8:32 pm EST:  Santorum is still leading in Oklahoma and Tennessee.  The liberal mainstream media just won't call it for my boy.

8:29 pm EST:  This just in...Palin says that her door is open if there is a brokered convention.  If my boy, Rick Santorum won't be the nominee, I'll be throwing my hat behind Sarah Palin.

8:26 pm EST:  Palin speaks in such a folksy style.  She has got to be super stupid...I think she has no original, substantive thoughts. 

8:24 pm EST:  Rush Limbaugh really sucks for the GOP on this contraception controversy.

8:23 pm EST:  Romney's lead made possible by more votes from Cleveland metro, Cincinnati metro, and Franklin County (Columbus).

8:22 pm EST:  Palin is doing an interview on CNN...she is not the sharpest tool in the shed.  "Obama's Orwellian message", "We have to fight with history, facts, and logic", "The leftist radicals continue to say discriminatory things about the disabled, women, and defenseless"

8:21 pm EST:  Romney now has a 4,000 vote lead in Ohio.

8:15 pm EST:  Romney's strength in Ohio seems to be in Hamilton County (Cincinnati) and the counties around the Cleveland metro area.  Santorum's strength is in the rural areas outside of Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland.

8:11 pm EST:  In Ohio, Mitt Romney has about a 800 vote margin with 2% of precincts in.  The precincts coming in are from a smattering around the state.

8:07 pm EST:  A really smart talking head just stated how to connect with voters.  Not by talking about himself/herself, but by talking about what voters themselves can do and what role voters can play themselves in helping our country.

8:02 pm EST:  Very little has changed for Mitt Romney.  He continues to run an exclusively negative campaign with decreased turnout models.  Romney is having his easiest time in blue states and in blue areas of each state.  He is struggling in traditionally red parts of the country.

8:00 pm EST:  Mitt Romney will win Massachusetts...Surprise!!!!!  Curious Capitalist is 4 for 4!

7:59 pm EST:  Exit poll data now in for TN and OK, 72% of voters in both states identify as white, evangelical, born-again voters.  This ought to be good news for Santorum.

7:58 pm EST:  Romney is slightly ahead of Santorum in Ohio according to the exit polls there.

7:53 pm EST:  Polls are about to close in Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Massachusetts.

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