Sunday, March 18, 2012

Song of the Day

This is the most girly song I will probably ever pick.  This is of that British boy band that is exploding around the world.  Other than being shitty at dancing and looking like they are 14 when they are 18, their song here is really catchy/awesome.

 Let's do some market analysis:

Justin Bieber is the obvious loser from this band.  The tween/teenage girl population can only handle so much.  Also, Bieber's post-puberty voice is noticeable less attractive.  Bieber fever has already peaked.

Let's do some stupid (probably wrong) political analysis of this song:

Let me first emphasize that these people are British, which gives them a lot of excuses.  There are a lot of elements of the radical homosexual/metrosexual agenda here.  There's the clothing, body types, hair cuts, the presence of a dog, general body language, the ironic dance moves, the various silly activities, and the high tenor voices.  Pat Buchanan would probably freak out that our children are being indoctrinated with this agenda.  This band is apparently going to be super popular in the states.

They also do acoustic.

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