Monday, March 19, 2012

Potential Romney-Paul Conspiracy

If Romney gets close to 1144 but not quite there, look for a potential deal with Ron Paul...assuming that Romney's and Paul's delegates add up to over 1144.  Paul hasn't spent that much time attacking Romney in the debates, so I assume that their relationship isn't toxic.

Paul could pledge his delegates to Romney to push Romney over the top.  Here are some possible things Ron Paul can ask for return: deep spending cuts that lead to a balanced budget; the restoration of civil liberties; a commitment to reclaim the legislative branch's right to declare war, which it abdicated to the executive branch in recent decades; and reforms that shore up the U.S. monetary system, such an audit of the Federal Reserve or competing-currency legislation.

Paul might also be enticed by the prospect of serving as a presidential adviser, a Cabinet position for someone in his orbit or 'perhaps a vice presidency.'  Not for himself, but rather his son (how thoughtful). Rand Paul, the junior senator from Kentucky and a Tea Party icon, is expected to launch his own White House bid in 2016. Being on the ticket now - or even being mentioned for it - would be a helpful step.

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