Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Destructive Human Desire

This problem is our constant desire to feel dominance over others.  This feeling that all of us have can explain so many of the world's problems: (1) hazing, (2) rape, (3) condescending moral arguments, (4) war, (5) racism, (6) bigotry, (7) "mean girls", (8) bullying, (9) Columbia students thinking that they are so much smarter than Barnard students (and then getting mad that the Barnard Diploma also says "Columbia" on it), (10) a desire to compare penis sizes, and (11) a lot of other problems. 

This desire is connected to the need to feel some sort of superiority over others. For those Maslow fans out there, this desire stems from our need to have esteem among our peers and also from our need to have a sense of achievement.

These related feelings are natural and should not be completely condemned.  However, we need to channel those feelings in ways that do not harm and disrespect others.

Here are some potential solutions:
1.  Playing Video Games...everyone can find at least one video game they are good at, from which they can satisfy their need to feel dominance.
2.  Punch a Pillow or Stuffed Animal (not real animals)
3.  Drink booze (this blog does not condone alcoholism, drug abuse, or underage drinking)
4.  Satisfying your need for esteem in a positive way, like doing nice things for others or demonstrating your talents in productive manners (such as singing karaoke).
5.  Revel in your own moral superiority by yourself (Rush Limbaugh and Keith Olbermann do this all the time).
6.  Train yourself to stop caring about such feelings.  This is probably as hard as quitting for addicts.
7.  Complain away your dissatisfaction to your friends and family.  (Note: this might drive away your friends and family)
8.  Get a Dog or other pet.  Getting a pet will constantly remind you of your intellectual superiority.  Also, people with pets tend to be happier in general.

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