Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Only Choice for Pro-Obamacare and Anti-Obamacare Voters

Have an opinion on Health Care Reform?

Live in a place that has yet to vote in the 2012 Republican Primary?

Your choice should be....
Rick Santorum.

Pro-Obamacare?:  Rick Santorum is likely to be a weaker general election candidate than Romney.  Let's focus on how bad Santorum's campaign has been.  He is not on the DC or VA ballot and didn't fill out full delegate slates for Ohio and Illinois.  Santorum's ability to run a campaign is not very strong.  Therefore, those who want to see Obama win in November should aid Rick Santorum to be the Republican nominee.

Anti-Obamacare?:  Santorum is the only guy who has a chance against Romney.  Romney is for Obamacare, plain and simple.  He made a similar system in Massachusetts and urged Obama to adopt that model for the country.  Santorum is the only viable Anti-Obamacare candidate.

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