Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Which View of Marriage Do You Have? Ross' or Rachel's

In an episode of Friends, when Ross discovers that Rachel is pregnant with his baby.  In an excited haze, Ross proposes marriage because children should be raised with 2 married parents.  Rachel, however, refuses and says that marriage is something that people do when they are in love, not when they have a surprise pregnancy.

So what's the main reason for marriage (because these two views are not mutually exclusive)?
The Rachel View:  As an expression of love.  This view of marriage is very friendly towards gay marriage.  Did some left-wing group pay off the Friends' writers to put the Rachel view on the air?

The Ross View:  As a way to provide children with a stable upbringing.  This view is less friendly towards gay marriage.  Did some social conservative group pay off the Friends' writers to put the Ross view on the air?

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