Saturday, March 17, 2012

Other than being famous, being President sucks, Why?

You get blamed for sh*t you can't control.  Here are two impediments to the Obama re-election:

(1) Gas prices:  They are going up because of (1) investor uncertainty over Middle East violence (aka Iran, Israel) and (2) the shutdowns of unprofitable refineries that result in increased refining profit margins and higher gas prices at the pump in relation to oil prices.  What is the President supposed to be doing about this?  Well, for item (1) he can try to calm everyone the fuck down...but that's super impossible...  For item (2), he can turn our government socialist and commandeer the oil refineries and either force them not to be shut down or have the government run them.  That will be very bad for the market since it will introduce further threat of nationalization of industries and bring more uncertainty to the market.

(2) The crumbling situation in Afghanistan.  With the Quran burning, the grenade in the base, the US Sergent going rogue, and the mounting casualties with no end in sight, the situation is not looking good. can take credit for things you didn't do...

(1) The auto-bailout was started by greatest President George W. Bush, Obama was non-committal about it during the campaign.  Now, Obama's taking credit all over for it.

So, it all balances out right?  NO, because being blamed/praised for things you can't control in relation to things you can control.  This introduces more uncertainty and risk to the value of your own personal stock value without necessarily more compensation for taking on this risk.  However, one can argue that the compensation for taking on this risk is fame.

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